Question from friend
Dari farah nih,katanya coba kerjain.Ya sudah dikerjain.wkwkwkwkwwk.
What is your current obsession ?
(liat kamus dulu) cepet" diterima di unpad juga.Soalnya ikutan snmptn teh pesimis uy.Pengen bisa nyetir mobil ama pengen jago maen bass (minim skill bos)
What is your weirdest obsession ?
apa yha.mmmmm....heeee (mencurigakan!!)
What are you wearing today ?
black skiny pant with brown polo shirt
What's for dinner today ?
Kerupuk,nasi putih,ikan mas,kangkung,sambel
Why is today special ?
ah hidup saya monoton.gak pernah ada yang spesial (atau belum kali).Terlebih setelah lulus
What would you like to learn to do ?
Piano,desain grafis,nyetir mobil wkwkwkwk, biola
What's the last thing you bought ?
gado gado warung c teteh yang di depan SMAN 20
What are you listeningto right now ?
Louis Lane - sensasi wkwkwkwk (promo album yha)
What is your favourite weather ?
Rainy,suka lha pokoknya.entah kenapa.
What is your most challenging goal right now ?
Lolos SMUP UNPAD deh (amiin)
What do you think about the person who tagged you ?
smart.jago english lha.Mau adu sama bahasa sunda ??wkwkwkw
klik readmore yha
If you could have a house totally paid for,fully furnished anywhere in the world,where would you like it to be ?
tetep di bandung ah
What would you like to have in your hands right now ?
If you could go anywherein the world for next hour,where would you go ?
Which language do you want to learn ?
What do you look for in friend ?
Who do you want to meet in person ?
gak ada ah
What's your favourite type of music ?
anything,kumaha mood eta mah
What's the favourite piece of clothing in your own closet ?
celana boxer,cukup.
Any favourite model ?
Tika Putri wkwkwkw
If you had 100 pound now,what would you spend it on ?
biar masuk surga sumbangin 2.5% hee.terus beli gitar.nabung deh wkwkwkwkwk
Describe your personal style !
calm,shy,mood"an lha
Akhirnya beres juga semua pertanyaannya.Ada yang dilewat sih beberapa heee.Tapi bae ah.Kumaha urang wkwkwkwk.
Saya nge tag Iskandar ama Iponk aja we lha.Atau siapa aja yang berminat dan merasa butuh kerjaan.Yang di tag kudu copy nih pertanyaan,terus jawab sendiri,posting sendiri heee