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25 April 2009

New VIDEO release !!!!

Haa,akhirnya kesampean juga buat posting ni cerita.
Cerita ini berawal saat kami (anak GO ipa 4 hee) dengan perwakilan Nanda a.k.a Syeh puji dan Tyo, beraksi.Wah banyak lha kejadiannya,Kalo pengen tau mah,donlod ajah atuh ni videonya,atau tonton ajah,Dijamin ngakak (semoga).Haa.

Judul :SCIENCE_4_purplelizing_GO99ers part 1
Kameramen :Indra 'Batu' Bayu
Artis :Syekh Iskandar Puji,Radityo D
Suporter :Eq Selcon,Regi 'Ndough' F,Rahmat 'Mato' Hidayat
TKP : Parkir GO sumatera
Figuran : Anak-anak GO Sumatera,karyawan Yamaha,99ers crew
Kostum : Senior High School purple jacket

ntar PART 2 nya nyusul,tungguin ajah.Comment juga yha
semoga bikin kamu-kamu seuri nepi ka peot hahahaha

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Final Whistle UN 2009

Aduuuh,asa udah lama gini ga nge-post.Hampir lebih dari seminggu niat g akan buka komputer biar gak ganggu belajar buat UN.Haaaa,Akhirnya beres juga.Kumaha gampang teu???

Jadi bingung mau nulis apa.Jadi we bercurhat hee.
Pas UN pasti dapet sms jawaban yha???Hayo ngaku.Yang maw pengakuan comment aja.Harus ah.Gak akan di sebar da.Bagi-bagi cerita ajah.Yha yha.Haaaa.Asa gak mungkin gak dapet SMS jawaban haaa.Kalo gak dapet sms jawaban mah pasti ada yang nangis kayak SMAN 70 Jakarta tadi di TV.Asa kalem-kalem wae Bandung mah,haaa.Ngaku!!

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18 April 2009

FREE DOWNLOAD game Chicken Invaders

Game seru penghilang bosan.Buat kamu yang bosen maen game yang panjang dan lieur.Nih kudu dicoba.Rame da.Full version


kalo maw lanjut neh versi lainnya.Tapi masih free trial

Chicken Invaders 2: The Next Wave

Chicken Invaders 3 - Revenge of the Yolk

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Countdown 36 hours to UN 2009

Wah,gak kerasa 36 jam lagi saya teh harus ikutan UN supaya bisa lulus.UN yang berlangsung selama 5 hari merupakan 5 hari yang akan sangat berpengaruh pada kelangsungan pendidikan kita.Apakah lulus atau tidak.Tapi doaakan saja,angkatan '09 SMAN 20 Bandung lulus 100% amin.

Saat yang lain mungkin sedang belajar dengan sungguh-sungguh di kamarnya,saya malah bercurhat di blog kesayangan saya haa.Daripada nonton TV terus ntar lupa materi yang tadi udah saya pelajari,mending ngeBlog haaa.Sapa taw wee bisi tiba-tiba ada yang ngirimin jawaban UN ke email (yes yes yes) haaa.Tapi insya Allah besok siang saya sudah kembali belajar demi LULUS.Amin.
Melalui Blog kesayangan ini juga saya meminta doanya agar lancar dan lulus amin.Semoga juga pengawasnya pengertian jadi teu tegang-tegang teuing haaa.

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Tentang Blog Owner

Saya Ekki Selcon Ramadhan K.Orang sunda asli yang lahir di Bandung 6 April 1991.Kini sedang bersekolah di SMAN 20 BANDUNG.Sebentar lagi lulus (amiin).Bikin blog ini sejak April '09.Sangat baru.Bikin blog cuma pengen sharing aja,dan pengen dikit-dikit dapet duit juga dari komisi iklan yang dipasang,jadi klik iklannya hee.Want more?? add fbnya aja Eq Selcon Ramadhan K heee
Buat semua blogger dan para internet-ers,salam kenal.Visit my Blog.Terima kasih.

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14 April 2009

Download Silverstein - A Shipwreck In The Sand

01. A Great Fire ( 3:58)
02. Vices (Feat. Liam Cormier) ( 3:16)
03. Broken Stars ( 3:41)
04. American Dream ( 3:08)
05. Their Lips Sink Ships ( 0:59)
06. I Knew I Couldn't Trust You ( 3:28)
07. Born Dead (Feat. Scott Wade) ( 2:50)
08. A Shipwreck In The Sand ( 4:35)
09. I Am The Arsonist ( 3:07) 10. You're All I Have ( 3:32) 11. We Are Not The World ( 3:20) 12. A Hero Loses Everyday ( 3:07) 13. The Tide Raises Every Ship ( 0:44) 14. The End (Feat. Lights) ( 7:24).

Download SILVERSTEIN - A Shipwreck In The Sand

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Download lagu baru!!

Download Lagu Olga Hancur Hatiku, dengan bekal muka lugu dan dengan bantuan para personil ST12 maka 1 lagu khusus olga di buat, dimana lirik yang simple dan musik yang cukup easy listening membuat lagu ini enak buat di dengar.

Download Lagu Olga Hancur Hatiku

Download Lagu Vierra Dengarkan Curhatku , dimana band ini mempunyai vokalis cewe yang bernama Widy dan para personil lainnya diantaranya Kevin, Raka, Sallianda dimana di lagu perdana mereka ini mereka mengandalkan satu lagu yang sangat easy listening yang berjudul “Dengarkan Curhatku” yang tergabung dalam album bertema “My first Love”

Download Lagu Vierra Dengarkan Curhatku

Download Lagu Titi Kamal Feat Anji Resah Tanpa Mu, Titi Kamal artis yang sukses membawakan OST. Mendadak dangdung kini Titi gak tanggung tanggung menggaet vokalis Drive “Andji” untuk duet di lagunya yang berjudul “Resah Tanpa Mu”

Download Lagu Resah Tanpamu - Titi Kamal feat Andji Drive

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Time Management Tips -Plan Each Day and Stick to Your Plan - Here's How

The trick to getting the most out of every day, and getting the most done? Planning. If you don't know where you're going - any path will take you there, and you won't know when you're arrived! So know where you are going each month, week, day. Know what you need to get done to get you there. And follow these simple tips to keep you on track.

To prepare for this new way of managing your time and priorities, create 4 file folders for items you need to do. Label them: "today", "this week", "next week", and "sometime in the future".

At the end of each day, take the time to plan for tomorrow.

* Your "today" file should be empty at the end of each day. Review your "this week" file and move tomorrow's "must do" items into the empty "today" file.
* On your calendar, schedule your day including travel time to and from appointments, and "planning" and "doing" time for all your priority activities. Distinguish between the things you must do, and the things you'll do if time permits.

Each Friday afternoon, prepare your 4 time management files for the following week and for Monday's tasks.

In a future article we will discuss how to handle the proliferation of mail and email so you can stay organized and focused on your priorities.

If you follow this simple process each day and each week, with a clear focus on your personal values and goals - you will remain steadfastly focused on accomplishing the most important tasks that will move you forward towards your goals and dreams.

AND you'll know when you've arrived!

Heather Percy, President, Percy Emtage & Associates, is a visionary and results driven leader with an extensive background in marketing and operations within global companies over the past 20 years. She facilitates the development of strategic and business plans, implements mechanisms to improve business processes and internal communications, and grooms managers, supervisors, and leaders for their new and diverse roles.

With her strong analytical skills and a reputation for integrity, she brings a clear focus on leadership development and cost efficiencies to the organizations with which she is involved. Working with management and staff at all levels of an organization -- individually and in groups -- Ms. Percy effectively coaches, mentors and develops leadership talent.

Developing PEAK performance through effective Business Coaching

Web: Contact:

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How to Make Money in World of Warcraft - It's All Economics

Are you ready to learn how to make money World of Warcraft style? Who isn't? Let's start by learning to control the marketplace. Oh, you think it's easier said than done? Well, maybe. But it's not that it's hard, per se; it's just time consuming.

To start off with this "control the market" strategy, you'll needat least 10g (200g would be better) in startup capital. After which, you want to seize a market after identifying it - like the large glimmering shards, for example - and work to drive the price up.

You know how to do this. It's all economics. You want to control the marketplace by having a monopoly. Instead of a competing Burger King to your McDonald's, you want to be the only place selling fast food. For instance, let's say that there are 14 shards at the auction house. What you'll do is buy them all. This enables you to set the price. You're the judge, jury and executioner here; you own the market on shards.

Once said market is seized, you must work to retain control. If a competitor comes along selling the same item you have, buy them out quickly. The longer you control the price, the less saturated the market becomes and your inflation becomes the standard. In a few weeks, other people selling shards will list them at your (the commonly accepted) price. Congratulations, the market is now yours. You can sell off your remaining items at that inflated price and immediately double your money.

You'll want to do this with more than one item, of course. Shards are just an example. Start with a variety of items and control multiple markets. But remember to not drive the price up very high. And once you have the price up, don't keep raising it.

Once you get to higher levels, however, you can start to control a little more ruthlessly. If you were to buy out every item in a range in level 40, for example, use this to your advantage by doubling the price and forcing people to purchase from your monopolized market. In WoW, it's supply and demand at its finest.

Market control is also a great choir for your ALT character because people won't like or respect you if they become wise to your maneuvers.

Also, remember that this strategy takes up a lot of time. You'll have the check the AH twice a day, and perhaps do some leveling. So, don't give up if you're not seeing immediate turnaround. Give the market time to react.

If you want to quickly make massive quantities of World of Warcraft gold all you have to do is Click Here.

Article Source:

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Rolex History

In 1905 Hans Wilsdorf and his brother-in-law Alfred Davis founded "Wilsdorf and Davis" in London. Their main business at the time was importing Hermann Aegler's Swiss movements to England and placing them in quality cases made by Dennison and others. These early wristwatches were sold to jewellers, who then put their own names on the dial. The earliest watches from Wilsdorf and Davis were usually hallmarked "W&D" inside the caseback.

In 1908 Wilsdorf registered the trademark "Rolex" and opened an office in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. The company name "Rolex" was registered on 15 November 1915. The word was made up, and its origin is obscure. Wilsdorf was said towant his watch brand's name to be easily pronounceable in any language. One story, never confirmed by Wilsdorf, is that the name came from the French phrase horlogerie exquise, meaning "exquisite clockwork". Another story claims that "rolex" was meant to evoke the sound of a watch being wound. The book The Best of Time: Rolex Wrist Watches by J.Hess and J. Dowling says that the name was just made up.

In 1919 Wilsdorf moved the company to Geneva, Switzerland where it was established as the Rolex Watch Company. Its name was later changed to Montres Rolex, SA, and finally Rolex, SA. The company moved out of the United Kingdom because taxes and export duties on the case metals (silver and gold) were driving costs up.

Upon the death of his wife in 1944, Wilsdorf established the Hans Wildorf Foundation in which he left all of his Rolex shares, making sure that some of the company's income would go to charity. The company is still owned by a private trust, and shares are not traded on any stock exchange.


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12 April 2009

Cewek Cantik VS Cewek Jelek ???

sumber :
Cewek cantik : lagi senyum nih…
Cowok bilang : wuiih…senyumnya manis banget kayak orangnya
Cewek jelek : senyum dulu ah…
Cowok bilang : gawat…udah mulai gak waras neh

Cewek cantik : hiks…hiks (lagi nangis)
Cowok bilang : wah bego banget tu cowok ampe nyakitin ni cewek…
Cewek jelek : huwaaaa…hiks..hiks
Cowok bilang : berisik!

Cewek cantik : aaarrgggh….(lagi marah)
Cowok bilang : wah tambah cantik deh kalo marah…
Cewek jelek : hiiiih…marah ni

Cowok bilang : Loe kok geto seh? Nyadar dong…(jadi ikut marah)

Cewek cantik : aku baru diputusin
Cowok bilang : asyik, masih ada lowongan buat gue
Cewek jelek : aku diputusin neh
Cowok bilang : akhirnya…sadar juga tu cowok

Cewek cantik : duh gue dapet cowok jelek neh
Cowok bilang : wah…tu cowok pasti main pelet
Cewek jelek : cowokku jelek nih
Cowok bilang : sesama jenis harus mesra…

Cewek cantik : hamil nih gue
Cowok bilang : seksi…gak papa deh, gue rela jadi bapaknya…
Cewek jelek : gue hamil
Cowok bilang : taaakdiiir memang kejam…

Cewek cantik : jalan kaki aja ya
Cowok bilang : oke, aku anterin ya
Cewek jelek : jalan kaki yuk
Cowok bilang : eh siapa ya? (pura-pura amnesia mendadak…)

Cewek Cantik : Grookkk! (tidur ngorok…)
Cowok bilang : duh…kasian pasti capek banget dia
Cewek jelek : Grookkk! (tidur ngorok…)
Cowok bilang : bunyi hewan apaan seh itu?

Cewek cantik abis baca ini tersenyum lebar dan berkata, “Tuhan emang adil, dan smua yang ini bener banget.”

Cewek jelek baca ini, sabar…dan berkata, “Eerrgh…andai aku tahu siapa yang nulis ini dari awal…”

(Cerita diatas adalah guyonan semata...)

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Periksa Tai Anda,Sehatkah??

Pernahkah anda memeriksa tai anda?
Jika belum cobalah,karena dari situ kita bisa tahu,sehat atau tidak
Cek gambar ini

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Aspartame penyebab pengerasan otak atau sumsum tulang belakang dan lupus

Hati-hati dengan produk makanan dan minuman yang mengandung Aspartame karena dapat menyebabkan pengerasan otak atau sumsum tulang belakang dan lupus.

Saat ini sedang ada wabah Pengerasan Otak atau Sumsum Tulang Belakang dan Lupus. Kebanyakan orang tidak mengerti mengapa wabah ini terjadi dan mereka tidak mengetahui mengapa penyakit-penyakit ini begitu merajalela. Saya akan beritahu Anda mengapa kita menghadapi masalah yang serius ini. Saat ini banyak orang menggunakan pemanis buatan.

Mereka melakukan ini karena iklan di televisi yang memberitakan bahwagula itu tidak baik buat kesehatan mereka. Hal ini memang benar sekali. Gula itu merupakan racun bagi tubuh kita, akan tetapi, apa yang orang-orang gunakan sebagai pengganti gula, lebih mematikan. Apa yang saya maksudkan di sini adalah Aspartame. Ini adalah biang wabah yang disebutkan di atas. Aspartame merupakan bahan kimia yang mengandung racun, yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan kimia bernama Monsanto. Aspartame telah dipasarkan ke seluruh dunia sebagai pengganti gula dan dapat dijumpai pada semua jenis minuman ringan untuk diet, seperti Diet Coke dan Diet Pepsi.

Hal ini juga dapat dijumpai pada produk pemanis buatan seperti Nutra Sweet, Equal, dan Spoonful; dan ini banyak digunakan di produk-produk pengganti gula. Aspartame dipasarkan sebagai satu produk diet, tapi ini sama sekali bukanlah produk untuk diet. Kenyataannya, ini dapat menyebabkan berat tubuh bertambah karena dapat membuat Anda kecanduan karbohidrat.

Membuat berat tubuh Anda bertambah hanyalah sebuah hal kecil yang dapat dilakukan oleh Aspartame. Aspartame adalah bahan kimia beracun yang dapat merubah kimiawi pada otak dan sungguh mematikan bagi orang yang menderita parkinson.

Bagi penderita diabetes, hati-hatilah bila mengkonsumsi untuk jangka waktu lama atas produk yang mengandung Aspartame ini, karena dapat menyebabkan koma, bahkan meninggal. Bila ada produk yang mengklaim bahwa produk itu bebas gula, Anda Sudah tahu bahwa hal ini mengandung Aspartame. Jangan mengkonsumsi produk tersebut.

Salah satu minuman suplemen yang mengandung ASPARTAME adalah serbuk effervescent EXTRA JOSS! Pada kemasan tertulis: Mengandung Aspartame 0,06% [ADI 40 mg/kg BB].

Berdasarkan hasil survei di salah satu supermarket di Bandung, selain EXTRA JOSS, produk-produk minuman lainnya yang juga mengandung ASPARTAME yaitu M-150, Hemaviton, Neo Hormoviton, Marimas, Hore..., Frutillo, Segar Sari, POP ICE Es Blender, Segar... Dingin, OKKY Jelly Drink, Sari Vit C, Naturade Gold, AQUA Splash of Fruit, FORTY PLUS.

Beritahukan semua orang yang Anda kenal dan sayangi akan bahaya dari produk yang mengandung Aspartame.

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11 April 2009

How to Find a Low-Stress Job

by Larry Buhl, for Yahoo! HotJobs

Chronic job stress, which the World Health Organization has called a "worldwide epidemic," is not the occasional aggravation of a dysfunctional copier or an annoying coworker. It's the energy-draining, psyche-straining, day-to-day mental grind that results in accidents, insomnia, irritability, fatigue, and overall lower quality of life.

But work doesn't have to stress you out. There are dozens of low-stress jobs available across a wide variety of fields, according to Laurence Shatkin, career information expert and author of "150 Best Low-Stress Jobs." And the vast majority of those jobs have good growth potential and good wages as well, Shatkin tells Yahoo! HotJobs.
Best Low-Stress Job for You?

Reaction to stressors is idiosyncratic. Some find the pressure of exactitude debilitating, others thrive on it. Some can't handle conflict, while others take arguments in stride.

Hate time pressure? Archivists, who plan and oversee the arrangement of exhibitions, have a more leisurely pace of work than many other professions. Average annual earnings of archivists were nearly $41,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).

Prefer a short workweek? Massage therapists and fitness trainers work fewer hours per week than any other professionals. These fields are growing fast as well, although the pay is less than many other fields; and many positions are contract, without benefits (which some people could find stressful).

Don't want to look over your shoulder? Environmental scientists enjoy lower competition than many other fields. The career also offers an enviable 25% job growth rate and an average salary of $56,000, according to the most recent BLS data.

Want freedom from the bottom line? Mathematicians and sociologists -- average salaries, $87,000 and $60,000, respectively -- have to worry less about the impact their decisions have on company results.

Run from unpleasant people? You may be more comfortable working with plans (marine engineers, average earnings $73,000) or theories (physicists, average earnings $94,000).

To choose a low-stress job or career, it's important to consider what you can and can't abide, according to Andrea Moselle, senior manager of work/life at AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals. "Any job can be stressful or not, depending on how you view it."

De-Stress Your Current Job

Not everyone can find a great low-stress job quickly. If you're at wits end now, there are several ways to take the edge off your work situation:

Look at your own attitudes. While it might seem like the job itself is the culprit, experts suggest changing your attitudes and the way you adapt, or don't adapt, to job stressors. "If you're confident in yourself and positive about the world and open to new solutions, you'll find it easier to be resilient to stressful situations," Moselle says.

Gain control. Psychologists agree that when people experience less stress, they have some degree of over their environment. Even if it's something as simple as organizing your messy desk at the end of the day, or making a list of tasks, you'll not only clear up the mental clutter, but gain a sense of mastery and control over your job.

Get physical. Physical occupations such as massage therapist are considered low stress, Shatkin says, largely because it's harder to build up stress-generated adrenalin when you're moving around.

What if you have a sedentary job? After a contentious meeting, make time to walk around the block or around the building. Go beyond the stress ball and move your whole body, even if it's for a minute or two. Not only will you experience a decrease in stress-releasing chemicals like cortisol, you may get a fitness boost as well.

Track your accomplishments. A common denominator of many low-stress jobs is tangible results. Construction is considered a lower stress job in many ways because workers clearly see the fruits of their labors. If, like many, you have a job without a clear tangible output, Shatkin suggests keeping a tally that indicates what you've accomplished, or positive testimonial letters or emails from colleagues and customers.

"Besides adding to a sense of accomplishment, all of these documents can be useful at performance-appraisal time or for assembling a portfolio when job-seeking," he says.

Join an employee network. Groups that help employees who care for children or elderly parents, for example, are thriving in many companies. "These networks are a great way to find support and networking and mentoring help, as well as finding the tools to take some of the stress away on the job and off the job," Moselle says.

Make your needs known. Most companies have some feedback mechanisms for letting employees vent constructively. Whether you need child care services, flex time, fewer interruptions in your schedule, or a change in workflow patterns, Moselle suggests taking advantage of all opportunities to share ways of reducing your stress.

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Top 10 Ways To Get Hard Drive Space

1. Remove unnecessary data from the hard drive.
The software for doing this is provided on your Windows system. To access it go to:

>> Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Cleanup

Choose which drive you want cleaned. The program will carry out the task automatically, locating any files which can be safely removed and will prompt you for permission to delete them.

2. Rearrange data on the hard disk.
Again, the software to carry out this task is provided free of charge with your Windows Operating System. It can be located at:
>>Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Defragmenter
Select which drive you wish to defrag. This will automatically shuffle the files stored on the hard drive to make them easier for the system to access, speeding up the processing time for your PC.

3. Delete any unnecessary programs
This is one of the best ways of creating more space on your hard drive. It is essential however, that you carry this out properly to ensure complete removal of all files associated with the program.

In the Control Panel, choose the option to Add or Remove Programs. A list will be generated of all programs currently installed on your PC. Highlight each one in turn that you wish to remove.

Be careful with this task so as not to delete any program which may be necessary for the Operating System to function.

4. Invest in an external hard drive

This is one way of creating a lot more space for storage. It may not be practical to use it for main storage but is a good alternative for storing applications which are only used occasionally. It's also useful for keeping back ups of your data.

5. Zip up your data

Zip files are an advanced compression technique which will reduce the data contained within them to one third of its original size. Files and folders which you rarely use but do not want to delete are ideal to store in zipped files.

6. Save files to disk

Save files which are only used occasionally to removable disks. These can be floppy disks, CDs, or DVDs. They won't hold as much information as your hard drive but you can increase storage by zipping files before saving them.

7. Transfer music files

Music files can be huge in size and take up valuable space on your hard drive. Mp3, wma and other music file formats are best stored on other storage media or devices if hard drive space is at a premium.

8. Tidy up your desktop

If you have too many shortcut icons plastered on your desktop this can be an eyesore. Remove any unnecessary ones, access programs through All Programs instead and store any pictures or other files in their relevant folders.

9. Use Bookmarks

Use your bookmark or favorites folder to hold the URLs of your most visited websites. This saves time searching for them.

10. Keep folders neat and tidy
Keep folders such as My Documents, My Pictures and My Music neat and organized. Delete any information or files not needed and create sub folders to manage data stored within each folder.


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Different types of Guitar Amps

Once you have selected your guitar, you require finding an amp to go with it. Today there are various options available depending on size, sound, amplifier technology and configuration. We are here to give you some useful and necessary information that would steer you through the maze.

Various types of Amplifiers

There are basically four types of guitar amplifiers: Solid-state (analog), Tube, Modeling (digital), and Hybrids.

Solid-state Amps - These guitar amps are recognized solid-state as they use transistors for their preamp and for power sections as an alternative of tubes. They are extremely trustworthy and hardly ever require repairs. They normally have a very fresh tone, even though many come with "distortion" channels also. These amps are all the rage with players looking for a strong, dependable touring amp.
Tube Amps - Tube amps are favored by many guitarists for their tepid, fat tone and as well for the "organic" distortion. Tube amps are generally sound louder than solid-state amps of the same wattage and have an exact "feel", which you do not acquire from solid-state amps. Most tube amps have different channels, which could be switched from clean to distorted tones instantly. Tube performance could also be deteriorating over time, so tubes require changing occasionally.

Modeling Amps (Digital Amps) - Modeling amp uses digital processors to reproduce the sound of traditional and contemporary tube technology. Using software that "models" the sound of tube amplifiers (and cabinets); these amps put the sound of various amps in one box. Modeling amps are programmable, and frequently have fitted digital effects like delay, chorus, etc. Some as well comprise of digital or even for analog outputs with orator simulation for going direct in to a recording border or P A system.

Hybrid Amps - Combining the best of each kind of guitar amp into one package, these amps use a real tube in combination with the solid state power part of their amps. Marshall Valve state amps use tubes in the preamp part and solid state circuitry in the power section to make a tube tone with no necessity the use of power tubes.

Rocky is a Copywriter of

He has written many articles in various topics.For more information visit:For more information visit:

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10 Reasons Why People Don't Visit Your Web Site

10 Reasons Why People Don\'t Visit Your Web Site

1. You don\'t offer free original content. It\'s important
to give your visitors information they can\'t find any-
where else. If you\'re the only source for a certain type
of information, people will flock to your web site.

2. You don\'t offer free software. Most people like
to find good deals on software for their computers. If
the software is free, that is even better.

3. You don\'t offer a free contest or sweepstakes. It\'s
a fact, people like to win things. If you can fulfill that
need, people will stop by to visit.

4. You don\'t offer a free directory. Create a directory
of web sites on a particular topic that is related to your
target audience. People will visit because they will find
what they\'re looking for, all in one place.
5. You don\'t offer a free e-zine. Most people love to
get free information that they\'re interested in emailed
to them on a regular basis. This saves them time and

6. You don\'t offer a free community. People like to
have a place were they can have discussions with
others on a particular subject. You could add a chat
room or message board to your web site.

7. You don\'t offer a free affiliate program. One of
people\'s basic needs to survive is money. When you
o.ffer them a f.ree o.pportunity to make money they\'ll
line up to visit your web site.

8. You don\'t offer a free online utility. When you o.ffer
a utility that can solve a problem, people will visit your
web site. The utility could be a free autoresponder,
e-mail account, search engine submission, etc.

9. You don\'t offer free current information. Supply
news stories related to your web site. People want
up-to-date news on the topics they are interested in.
They will also be interested in visiting your web site.

10. You don\'t offer free samples of your product
or service. Have you ever been to a store and you
jumped at the chance to get a f.ree sample of food?
This same concept will also attract people to visit
your web site.


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10 April 2009

How To Style Emo Hairstyles

It is very easy to form your Emo hairstyle into spikes or a funky shag.
All that you need to do is-

> Start with wet hair > Using your fingers work a generous amount of gel through your hair > Form your hair into spikes or shape your shag the way you want it > Blow-dry your hair > If making spikes, add more gel as needed > Do not brush your hair out > Spray hair well with hairspray for hold.

The beauty of an Emo hairstyle is how un-uniformed it is.

If you were to visit a salon for your Emo hairstyle and find yourself not happy with it later, you could always feel free to make a few adjustments yourself at home.

Although you can cut your own hair into an Emo hairstyle at home, sometimes it is best to visit a trained professional.

This is true even though many Emo hairstyles are asymmetrical and rather choppy.

This is because it is very hard for us to get a good view of how our hair looks from behind.

However, if you are insistent on doing your Emo hairstyle yourself, the good news is that it is impossible to make a mistake.

The whole point of the Emo hairstyle is a unique look unlike what anyone else has.
Therefore a mistake in your cutting could actually turn into an advantage in your Emo look.


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Beginners Advice to Guitar Playing by: Michiel Van Kets

Everyone dreams of being able to master a musical instrument and the most popular choice is often an electric or acoustic guitar. Learning to play isn’t simply a matter of learning a few chords however, it take a lot of time and persistence. Online you will find lots of useful sites with suggestions to help you along.

If you have never played before it is not necessary to rush out and buy the most expensive guitar you can find. Purchase a reasonably priced model whilst you are learning and once you become adept and know it is for you then go ahead and treat yourself.

Drive and enthusiasm is central to acquiring any new skill, you will need to learn how to hold the instrument in the correct fashion, replace strings and to learn the chords. Practice regularly and you will soon pick it up. Once you have acquired a few basic chords you can start to play some popular songs making the
whole experience much more rewarding.

Finding the right method to learning the guitar will depend on your budget, time and situation. The local paper may list lessons or a teacher might put a card up offering their services in a music shop on your high street. You could always buy yourself a book and teach yourself, or look online for fretting chords, strum patterns and some simple to play songs.

The first step is to learn how to play the basic chords. Once you know them it is easy to practice and there are many popular songs that only use these basic chords. As your fingers form the shape of the chord ensure you press down hard enough on the strings otherwise the note will sound off. These are called your fret fingers and they will get sore at first until they get calluses on them. Good practice is to play chords in a variety of ways and alternate until it becomes quite natural.

If you are serious about learning the guitar you really need to set an hour or so aside every day and practice. Practice makes perfect as they say!

Once you are adept at some of the basic chords use them to play songs as this will make the experience much more fun and exciting than just practicing chords every day. Sheet music can be bought quite cheaply from your local music shop or go online and get it for free.

There are a number of good websites who provide music and song sheets. Free guitar chords and free guitar tabs are not hard to find. Advice on how to string your guitar and tune it or advice on how to build a pedalboard is other valuable information to be found online.

It takes a lot of motivation and patience to become adept at playing the guitar, if you enjoy it and find yourself improving then don’t give up as it will get easier the more you practice. There are very experienced and professional music teachers available who can provide lessons on acoustic or electric guitar. They will often design a course of study specifically for you, or you could even join a local class and meet some new friends who are interested in the same kind of music.


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Benefits of Online Data Back-Up by Joseph John

Whether it is a small business, big company, or home computer users, everyone nowadays are making good use of online data storage backup to protect their relevant data. Following are some of the advantages stating the reason as why should you consider data backup services the most needful option.

Round the clock availability

Being an online resource, data backup services are available 24x7 i.e. round the clock. This can be highly advantageous for individuals staying at remote locations where not many service are available nearby. Online data back ups are extremely significant to avert the loss caused by unfavorable situations like virus attack, human error, hard drive crash, theft etc.

No Hassles Regarding Data Storage

Online data back ups are undoubtedly far better option than the traditional method of storing data such as tapes, disks, CDs, DVDs, external hard disk etc. Such services bring great advantages for businesses maintaining large computer servers. You can achieve your back up by simply opening an account with your storage service provider, getting computer help and security credentials followed by uploading copies of your files.

With just logging-in your account, you can determine the last time you updated the data with your online data back up service provider as well as initiate another update. The complete process is extremely simple, although it may take long on a dialup connection.

Easily Accessible from Everywhere

Last, there is an ease of being able to access your data from any computer anywhere with the help of Internet connection. Online data storage backup is completely a security protected
service. The only thing you require is your security credentials provided to you by the service provider at the time of account opening. And, you can access your data while on business trips, visiting with friends, or enjoying a vacation. So, no need to worry now as your data is safe and secure with reliable resources.

Online data back-up services are available with a few clicks of mouse. Moreover, this is the cheapest way to keep relevant data protected and always accessible.


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What is the Wii? by Mark Stevens

What is the Wii?

At the most basic level Wii (pronounced "we") is just Nintendo's gaming system. But that simple description doesn't do justice to what is one of the most innovative entertainment inventions of the past several years.

It isn't just that each part of the system is superb, though it is. It is that the Wii rises above that level and becomes more than the sum of its parts. It creates an outstanding gaming Experience, with a definite capital 'E'.

The console itself is small, lightweight, and durable. That might not seem so important for a game box that is

intended to sit in the corner and be forgotten. But given how gamers actually use their systems, it's a big help. It means the Wii is portable and will stand up to the inevitable abuse that comes from moving it around.

Sometimes unintentionally, when someone playing Wii Sports gets a little carried away.

One of the many innovative features gets all the good press it deserves: the Wii Remote or, Wiimote as it's known to many. It's completely unlike a classic gaming control, the type with a joystick and festooned with buttons.

Instead, Wii offers a hand-held 'TV/DVD Remote Control'-style device. Here, however, no remote control device ever offered this kind of functionality. Incorporating highly sophisticated motion control sensors, players become part of the game itself, handling a tennis racket, swinging a sword, and more. It's as close to virtual reality without a helmet as any gaming system has come yet.

For those who still want that traditional-style control, Nintendo sells a Classic Controller that, even in this more usual form, offers incredible control over many games and the gaming experience. Gamers will not find themselves wishing for much that isn't already onboard.

The Wii hardware system is sharp and innovative, certainly. But Nintendo didn't create great gear and then sit back in the chair to admire it. They put together a team of some of the best designers in the business to provide thousands of games for every conceivable interest.

Nintendo wasn't just being generous. Their stated goal is to reach beyond the standard group of gaming geeks to get everyone interested. They succeeded with puzzle games, strategy games, adventures, and more. They've even marketed something called Wii Fit, which allows someone to use the system to lose weight and get in shape. That's not the usual goal of the stereotype gamer who is seen (inaccurately) as cousin to the couch potato.

Providing local and Internet multi-player hardware and software features, Wii isn't just for those who want to shut out the real world and live in a fantasy one, either. Equally oriented toward families, social networking friends, and more, Wii can offer something for everyone.

If you've never checked out a gaming system before, or if you thought you knew what they were all about, prepare to be pleasantly surprised when you embrace the wonderful world of Wii. That, in the end, is Wii.


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Three Quick Gift Ideas For Mothers day in 2009 by Jasnav

If you are looking to bring a smile to your mother's lips on mothers day in 2009, hunt around for some good gift ideas. The warm feeling of being remembered as a special person will surely make the day for your mother, who has spent much of her younger days caring for you. Mothers day in 2009 is the right time to remember her endless nights spent at your bedside as you recovered from that fever, or when you ran to her bedside in the middle of the night, scared stiff by that seemingly endless nightmare.

Say It With Flowers

One of the best ways to express your love on mothers day in 2009 is by gifting her a bouquet of red roses . Fresh cut flowers are perhaps the best renowned methods of communicating what you feel. These days with online delivery of flowers, it has become all the more easy; all you need is click your mouse a couple of times, and your token of affection will reach your dearest mother without fail on mothers day in 2009. Just think of the joy bequeathed on your mother by reminding her that you actually care for her and appreciate all she has done for you.

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

Look for an old photo of her younger days, preferably with you in it. Get it framed it and send it to her by courier. Seeing her little son or daughter who has now grown taller than herself is sure to bring tears of joy and happiness to her eyes.

Make a Handmade Card

This one is if you can actually spare some time for her on mothers day in 2009. Make a card for her (I'm sure you learnt how at school), or get a readymade one. The difference is to come within; write down how much she means to you and how much you care for her. You may not be the best writer in the world for this. Simply letting the words flow from the depths of your heart will ensure she knows you mean what you say.

Nobody knows you better than your own mother, and let mothers day in 2009 be the day for you to remind her that!


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9 April 2009

LimeWire 5.1.2

LimeWire is the world's fastest P2P file-sharing application for all types of computer files, including music, video, pictures, games, and text documents. Other features include dynamic querying, file previews during download, advanced techniques for locating rare files, and an easy, clean user interface.

LimeWire's new spam blocker gets rid of junk results, and automatic updates will keep you sharing faster than ever with the latest version. You can search for Creative Commons and Weedshare licensed files, and publish your own creative works with Creative Commons licensing. LimeWire continues its guarantee of no adware or spyware. Includes built-in bittorent support.

Version 5.1.2 fixed a bug with the single file sharing widget,Remove the check box for the multi file sharing widget.

download here
Click Here
LimeWire 5.1.2

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Camfrog Video Chat 5.2

Camfrog Video Chat allows you to join real streaming video chat rooms where you can hear, see, and chat with many people at a time. Instant message a user to get to know them before you Webcam chat, and add them to your contact list. This videoconferencing software also works behind most firewalls and routers. Camfrog Video Chat allows multi-user videoconferencing where you can join a room with up to 1000 users and just click a user name to begin seeing someone. Press the 'talk' button to talk to the entire room with audio. The video chat rooms are hosted by broadband users who are running the Camfrog Video Chat Room Server software so any user can set up their own multi-user video conference for other users to join. No Webcam is required to see people, but some rooms might not allow users without Webcams. Camfrog Video Chat is optimized for broadband users so it has fast video.

Version 5.1.129 fixes a problem where some one-on-one video chat connections could become disconnected under certain circumstances.Download here

Camfrog Video Chat 5.2


Read More.., Mencintai Kimia Cara Baru

JAKARTA - Kabar baik bagi pecinta ilmu kimia di Indonesia. Situs kini tampil dengan wajah baru.

Berbasis sistem Wordpress, juga menambah sejumlah fitur gres yang mempermudah komunikasi dan mempererat komunikasi antar redaksi, kontributor dan penggunanya.

Versi anyar ini memungkinkan setiap orang dapat berkontribusi langsung ke Pengunjung dapat langsung mengirimkan artikel populer, tokoh kimia, tanya pakar, informasi event, beasiswa, seminar, termasuk materi belajar ke situs Penulis juga dapat mengedit artikel yang kamu kirim dan berinteraksi aktif dengan pengunjung melalui komentar maupun forum diskusi.

Awal dikembangkannya bermula dari kurangnya situs kimia berbahasa Indonesia. Pada awal tahun 2003, keinginan beberapa orang yang peduli akan ilmu pendidikan kimia yang berlokasi di Jepang dan Amerika untuk menambah lebih banyak informasi ilmiah meluncurkan situs kimia pertama di Indonesia. llmu kimia (chemistry) didasari oleh kemauan untuk berlatih dan bereksperimen, oleh karena itu situs ini bernama (kimia adalah experimen).

Pada awal tahun 2003, versi pertama dari situs dibuat. Masih sedikitnya situs kimia berbahasa Indonesia dan isi situs yang cukup berbobot membuat kehadiran situs ini mendapat sambutan yang cukup hangat dari para pecinta kimia di Indonesia. Artikel-artikel singkat tentang situs ini pun bermunculan di beberapa media elektronik di Indonesia.

Selama kurun waktu lebih dari 5 tahun, berkembang dan sempat mendapat kesempatan untuk mewakili Indonesia dalam kompetisi WSIS Award 2003 untuk kategori e-science. Pada tahun 2008, Situs menerima penghargaan juara ke-2 e-Learning Award 2008 kategori blog edukatif Pendidikan Tinggi dan Komunitas dari Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia.

Saat ini, kini dikunjungi lebih dari 3000 pengunjung per hari dengan komunitas anggota milis mencapai lebih dari 5000 orang.

Situs dikembangkan dengan dasar dari komunitas oleh komunitas dan untuk komunitas. Jadi situs ini tidak akan berkembang tanpa kontribusi aktif dari komunitas kimia. Ayo bergabung bersama dan bagikan ilmu kita dengan tulisan.

Dikelola oleh Soetrisno dibantu dengan beberapa redaksi yang berlokasi di Jepang, Amerika, Indonesia dan Australia, adalah wahana yang bertujuan memperkenalkan lebih luas tentang dunia kimia dan perkembangannya dalam bahasa Indonesia melalui sarana internet. (srn)

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8 April 2009

Bertahan Hidup Meski Terkubur 42 Jam di Reruntuhan Bangunan

ROMA - Seorang wanita 20 tahun ditemukan selamat meski sudah 42 jam terkubur di reruntuhan bangunan berlantai empat akibat gempa yang mengguncang l'Aquila, Italia, Senin dini hari lalu.

Diberitakan AFP, Rabu (8/4/2009) yang mengutip laporan kantor berita Italia ANSA, gadis bernama Eleonora itu masih menggunakan pakaian tidur saat tim menemukan di bagian terdalam reruntuhan bangunan.

Teriakan minta tolong Eleonoralah yang membantu tim penyelamat menemukan posisinya. Dia diselamatkan tim penyelamat dari Cunoe, utara Italia.

Selain Eleonora, sebelumnya tim penyelamat juga menemukan nenek berusia 98 tahun dalam keadaan hidup setelah 30 jam terperangkan dalam bangunan runtuh. Nenek bernama Maria D'Antuono terjebak dalam rumahnya. Antuono bahkan sempat menyulam, sambil menunggu tim penyelamat. Jumlah korban terus meningkat menjadi 235 orang.
haaa,aya aya wae si nini mah haaa.

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5 Alasan Lari Wajib Dilakukan

Yudis Thea Marga Tuasamu - Okezone
Foto: Corbis
LARI dari masalah hanya akan membuat pikiran stres, sementara masalah tak kunjung usai. Tapi, lari yang satu ini membuat tubuh sehat dan bugar.

Banyak sekali orang malas olahraga, padahal olahraga membuat kita sehat, di samping pola hidup teratur dan makan makanan bergizi. Lari salah satu bentuk olahraga yang dapat membuat tubuh seseorang sehat, tanpa harus mengeluarkan banyak uang.

Seperti dilansir SheKnows, ada lima alasan mengapa kita harus menggiatkan olahraga lari.

Membentuk tubuh jadi indah

Lari adalah salah satu cara terbaik untuk membakar kalori dalam tubuh. Dengan lari, bentuk tubuh menjadi indah. Untuk para wanita, pamerkan keindahan tubuh saat lari dengan baju olahraga cantik. Tak ada salahnya, olahraga sambil mejeng? Namun, jangan sampai lupa minum cukup air sebelum dan sesudah lari. Karena saat lari, tubuh akan banyak mengeluarkan cairan lewat keringat. Menjaga kecukupan cairan dalam tubuh akan membuat otot tetap lentur.

Melancarkan peredaran darah

Lari dapat melancarkan peredaran darah dalam tubuh. Jika dilakukan secara rutin, lari menjaga jantung dari serangan penyakit, menyembuhkan dan mencegah stres menahun, serta mengatasi masalah kesehatan lainnya. Lari akan sangat efektif jika diawali dengan ritme perlahan, semakin cepat, dan memperlambat kecepatan saat hendak selesai.

Mencegah penuaan

Lari memiliki manfaat luar-dalam bagi tubuh. Selain melatih otot, menguatkan tulang, meningkatkan kerja otak, juga mencegah alzeimer (pikun) dan membuat wajah awet muda. Agar manfaat tersebut dirasakan lebih maksimal, sebelum lari ada baiknya pemanasan terlebih dahulu.

Menghirup udara segar

Dengan lari di luar ruangan, tubuh akan mendapat pasokan udara segar dan bertemu dengan hal-hal dan orang-orang baru sehingga hidup jadi lebih menyenangkan. Kita disibukkan dengan seabrek rutinitas harian hingga membuat pikiran penat. Lari membantu Anda melepaskan semua kepenatan agar hari-hari berikutnya bisa dilewati dengan lebih menyenangkan.

Membuat perasaan lebih baik

Pada saat lari, Anda bisa melihat pemandangan sekitar dan menghirup udara segar yang akan membuat moodfit, sebaiknya jangan olahraga lari dahulu. Setidaknya jika tetap ingin lari, lakukan sebentar saja. (ftr)
lebih baik. Namun perlu diingat, jika Anda merasa kondisi tubuh sedang tidak

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World's Strangest Laws

No Feeding Pigeons


Laws here are city-specific, and Venice takes issues with pigeons speckling their beloved buildings with pigeon poop. Likewise, officials don’t appreciate tourists adding to the crowd and mess in St. Marks Square by feeding said pigeons. They also don’t want visitors sitting around shirtless, climbing into fountains, or even sitting on the sidewalk eating a sandwich. In Rome, climbing into fountains to cool off causes similar stress.

Penalty: At first, just a warning; fines can reach up to $600, though probably no more than $50 or $60 if you pay quickly. “The local police are quite tolerant about tourists feeding pigeons just to take a picture,” says a Venice spokesman.

Stopping On the Autobahn


As though driving the autobahn in Germany weren’t daunting enough, the laws add other risks. Running out of gas on the legendary highway is illegal — and your troubles snowball from there. Say you do find the needle on “E” and have to pull over to hoof it, in pursuit of gas. Walking along the autobahn is illegal, too... not to mention terrifying.

Penalty: A little under $100 for endangering other drivers — once for running out of gas, and again for walking.

Driving Shirtless


Don’t let the tropical weather tempt you to joy ride with your shirt off in Thailand. Police can (and do) hand out tickets if they spot you topless while driving a car or motorcycle.

Penalty: A mere slap on the wrist (or sun-burned shoulders). Tickets go for a few hundred baht (about $10).

Paying in Pennies


Canada’s Currency Act of 1985 sets out the guidelines for how coins should be used, including reasonable limits for the shelling out of endless coins. What’s reasonable? Don’t try using all coins to buy something that costs $10, or even using all one-dollar coins (sometimes called “loonies”) to pay for an item that costs more than $25. But then, what kind of loonie wants to carry so many coins anyway?

Penalty: If the seller actually wants to take all your pennies, he can, but by law he can also tell you to scram.

No Kissing at Train Stations

France and England

By some accounts, April 5, 1910 was the day romance died on French railways: Kissing was reportedly banned to help deter lover-induced rail delays. But the law seems to be unheard of today. “Are you sure this isn’t a law in Great Britain?” a French spokeswoman at the consulate asked us. What a coincidence: It turns out that Virgin Trains has recently posted “No Kissing” signs at its station in Warrington Bank Quay, in northwest England.

Penalty: While there’s no penalty now for train-related kissing in France, the folks at Warrington Bank Quay will politely ask you to move your smooching to the designated “kissing zone” near the car park.

Driving a Dirty Car


Some say this is just an excuse for Moscow police to over-ticket drivers, but you should still watch the filth factor on your rental car. How dirty is dirty? That’s unclear. A recent newspaper survey explored the idea of how to even define “dirty” — almost half said a car was too filthy if you couldn’t read the license plate, while 9 percent said the determining factor was if you couldn’t see the driver.

Penalty: You can get a ticket. Fines might be, shall we say, open to interpretation. Here is a case where you might politely offer to pay the officer up front — $100 should cover it — and be on your way.

Strolling in a Bathing Suit


Visiting cruise-ship passengers have gotten under the skin of the local police in Grenada, who cringe at tourists walking off the beach during their shore excursions and into town wearing nothing but their swimsuits. The police chief instituted a fine, and supposedly has also expressed interest in fining folks who wear their jeans too low.

Penalty: In theory, a $270 ticket, though the tourist board assures us that they don’t think it has really been enforced.

Driving With Headlights Off


Renting a car? You must always drive with headlights on, says the law in Denmark, to distinguish you from a parked car. Do the Danes really drive so slow that there’d be any confusion? Actually, studies have found that other drivers are more aware of surrounding vehicles when other cars’ lights are on, thus reducing accidents. The law may get adopted across the European Union.

Penalty: Driving without headlights will get you a fine of a little under $100.

Chewing Gum


Feeding birds, spitting, and not flushing public toilets will also get you in trouble. Singapore’s most quirky-seeming laws stem from the government’s well-meaning desire to keep things tidy — and let’s face it, gum wads, pigeon droppings, and unflushed toilets aren’t pretty. The infamous gum law actually loosened up in 2004, and Nicorette is now legal (though you have to get it through a doctor and they take down names). Selling regular gum is more of a problem than just casually chewing it, a spokesman says. And more changes are on the way: Gambling will become legal later in 2009, and you can now legally dance on top of bars.

Penalty: About $100 a ticket, especially for leaving a toilet un-flushed; many public loos auto-flush, we learned, but it’s wise to double-check on your way out.

By Katrina Brown Hunt at

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Badge Facebook di Blog

Facebook merupakan salah satu jejaring sosial yang mempunyai pengguna terbanyak di dunia. Salah satu fiturnya adalah badge/lencana yang bisa dipasang di blog, website atau forum. Kegunaannya adalah untuk mempromosikan Facebook Anda. Untuk mensetting dan memasang caranya cukup mudah.

  • Silakan login ke akun Facebook Anda
  • Masuklah ke tab Profil
  • Kemudian lihatlah ke bagian kiri paling bawah. Klik tulisan Buat Lencana Profil


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  • Kemudian klik Buat Lencana (gambar atas)
  • Silakan setting badge/lencana sesuai keinginan Anda. (gambar tengah)
    • Tata Letak bisa berbentuk memanjang ke kanan (mendatar) atau memenjang ke bawah (tegak)
    • Format pilih Gambar jika blog Anda tidak mendukung java script seperti
    • Isi silahkan pilih sesuai keinginan. Jumlah konten yang akan ditampilkan di badge/lencana bisa ditambah atau dikurangi sesuai selera
    • Apabila memilih menampilkan status, maka status di dalam badge/lencana akan berubah-ubah sesuai status Facebook Anda
    • Setelah selesai klik Simpan
  • Akan ada kode html yang dapat Anda kopi kemudian paste di blog, website atau forum (gambar bawah)

Untuk memasukkan ke blog Blogspot:

  • Silahkan masuk ke dashboard Blogspot Anda
  • Kemudian klik tata letak – Widget
  • Masukkan widget Text
  • Kemudian pastekan kode Facebook tadi kedalam widget text tersebut
  • Simpan

Maka badge/lencana Facebook terpasang di sidebar Blogspot Anda. Contohnya seperti yang ada di samping kanan blog ini.

Semoga Bermanfaat

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7 April 2009

Cara Daftar Search Engine

Banyak cara yang bisa kita lakukan agar blog kita bisa dikenal dan di kunjungi, antara lain adalah dengan rajinnya kita blogwalking atau berkunjung ke blog milik orang lain, mendaftarkan ke berbagai agregator, dan yang paling efektif adalah melalui search engine atau mesin pencari.

Bagi blogger pemula mungkin berangggapan bahwa apabila kita membuat website atau blog akan secara otomatis terindeks atau berada pada list berbagai search engine,
dan kenyataannya tidaklah demikian. Seperti halnya sebuah sekolah, agar nama kita
terdaftar pada buku daftar siswa, tentunya kita harus melakukan pendaftaran terlebih
dahulu ke sekolah tersebut. Sama halnya dengan mesin pencari, agar blog kita terindeks pada mesin pencari, maka kita harus terlebih dahulu mendaftarkan blog milik kita pada situs pemilik mesin pencari.

  • Daftar Google
  • Untuk mendaftar ke google, silahkan sobat kunjungi, nah apabila sudah berada pada halaman pendaftaran ada beberapa langkah yang harus di lakukan, yaitu mengisi form yang di sediakan :

  • URL –> Isi dengan URL blog kamu.
  • Comments –> Isi dengan keyword atau kata kunci yang berhubungan dengan blog kamu
  • Isi kotak kosong dengan huruf Verifikasi yang tersedia
  • Klik tombol Add URL
  • Selesai.
  • Setelah kamu melakukan pendaftaran ke Google, maka tidak langsung blog kamu terindeks pada mesin pencari nya, akan tetapi memerlukan 3 sampai 4 minggu baru blog kamu bisa terindeks. Jika sudah 3 sampai 4 minggu, maka cobalah ketik alamat blog kamu pada mesin pencari google, apakah sudah terindeks atau belum? jika belum, coba tunggu beberapa minggu lagi, dan tuliskan kembali alamat blog kamu, Jika ternyata masih belum juga, coba deh daftarin lagi blog nya ke google seperti langkah di atas. Atau mungkin kamu tidak sabar ingin cepat terindeks, sebenarnya bisa saja ini terjadi, hanya dalam 3 atau 4 hari saja blog kamu sudah bisa terindeks di google.

  • Daftar Yahoo!
  • Untuk mendaftar ke yahoo! kamu kunjungi
    Akan tetapi untuk mendaftar ke yahoo, sobat harus terlebih dahulu mempunyai account yahoo, karena di perlukan log in terlebih dahulu ke account yahoo. Bagi yang belum punya account yahoo (email di yahoo) silahkan bikin dulu, bagi yang sudah punya, kamu tinggal login dengan username serta password kamu. Apabila sudah login, nanti sudah tersedia kolom untuk di isi, silahkan isi kolom tersebut dengan URL kamu, kemudian klik tombol Add URL, selesai. Jika ingin memasukan alamat feed sekalian, kamu bisa memasukannya. Ingat, alamat feed di blogger hanya tinggal menambahkan atom.xml di belakang uRL blog sobat, contoh : untuk blog saya ini mempunyai alamat feed sebagai berikut :

    atau memakai www pun sama saja :

  • Daftar ke Msn
  • Untuk daftar ke Msn, kamu kudu kunjungi
    silahkan sobat isi huruf verifikasi dan URL kamu pada kotak yang tersedia, kemudian klik tombol Submit URL, selesai.

    Apabila kamu mempunyai keinginan lebih, yaitu URL blog sobat terindeks pada puluhan
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    Download A Static Lullaby

    A Static Lullaby
    Download they album


    02.Bear Trap
    03.The Turn
    05.The Prestige
    06.Aller Au Diable
    07.Morning Would Come
    08.The Pledge
    09.Under Water Knife Fight
    10.Everybody’s Got a Lil’ Fonz n’ em



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    SILVERSTEIN biography

    Neil Boshart - guitar
    Bill Hamilton - bass
    Shane Told - vocals
    Paul Koehler - drums
    Josh Bradford - guitar

    One would be hard-pressed to come up with a more fitting title for Silverstein's new album than Arrivals & Departures. After all, this Canadian band sold over 300,000 of their previous release, Discovering The Waterfront, on the strength of word-of-mouth and a nonstop touring schedule that saw them crisscrossing the globe. The full-throated rock passion that pervades all 11 songs on Arrivals & Departures emphatically depicts a band that has...well, arrived. Silverstein is about to depart the realm of grassroots phenomenon to enter the stratosphere of critical mass success.

    It's been a long, but thrilling trip for this quintet, who came together in the Toronto suburb of Burlington, Ontario at the turn of the millennium. After putting out two of their own EPs, the band signed to Victory Records and released When Broken Is Easily Fixed, which raised eyebrows throughout North America as sales climbed well past 200,000. Showing no ill effects of any "sophomore jinx," Silverstein's follow-up Discovering The Waterfront did considerably better; now total Silverstein record sales are beyond a half-million. The band fueled that momentum by performing on a slew of major tours, from A Taste of Chaos and Warped in the States to the Give It A Name and Download festivals in England. They topped it all off with their first headlining tour of America-the sold-out Never Shave Again tour.

    "We took three months off after we finished Never Shave Again in December to totally dedicate ourselves to writing new material," drummer Paul Koehler says. "We were very eager to be creative again; it was a very exciting progress that flowed very naturally, since this was our third attempt at writing a full-length CD. It's not as if we had a plan on what we wanted the new music to sound like. One of really big benefits of our band is that we let things develop organically."

    That especially pertains to Arrivals & Departure's lyrical heart. "I ended a seven-year relationship right before I started on this record," singer Shane Told admits. "That's something you can't ignore when you're writing lyrics. This record is, by far, the most personal record I have ever made. Sometimes it's hard for me to go back and listen to some of the songs, because the feelings behind them are still unsettling to me. But at the same time, I wanted to convey a message of hope through the record, in that no matter what happens, you can still get through the tough times, get better and be happy.

    "Even so, it was really hard to write lyrics that express my passionate feelings," he continues. "It scared me. I was letting people in on my personal life; you start wonder if you're just writing the songs for yourself. You wonder how your fans, who have been so supportive of you in the past, will think of what you're exposing to them. All these questions are constantly battling inside you."

    Yet Told came to the conclusion that once you lay your heart out there, there's no turning back. "That's why this record is so personal to me," he states. "Even the album title; it's about being all over the world for the last four years and how that affected me. In some ways, it destroyed a part of my personal life. Had I not went down this road, I have no doubt in my mind that I probably would be married with kids, living a totally different existence. But my ultimate goal in life is to just be happy, and obviously you have to make some tough transitions in the short term to be happy in the long term."

    "The intervals of life exist as finite periods that can only be enjoyed in the moment and don't last forever," Koehler adds. "Life doesn't last forever, and neither does the happiest moments of one's life. Our lives have been transformed into a constant 'coming and going' throughout the years, where it is hard to maintain positive relationships and to stay adjusted to one lifestyle. When we are on the road we miss home, our friends and family. At the same time, when are at home we miss the experience of traveling and playing shows, plus all of the friends and relationships we have made all over the world. From the constant shift in life, we've developed a positive embrace of any moment in each side of our life because you never know when that is going to end."

    That sense of transition impacted the recording of Arrivals & Departures as well. Silverstein decided to use a new producer--Mark Trombino, who previously worked with Jimmy Eat World and Blink 182. "Before we went in the studio, I was the only one who had met him, and that was just one time," Koehler recalls. "We had to build a relationship quickly. It can be tricky doing that when you're suddenly working with someone in the same room for 10-12 hours a day. Fortunately, he's very talented and meticulous, which works well with our band, because we're all perfectionists, too."

    It didn't take long before the band realized they were onto something special. "We were instantly excited about our progress right after we recorded the first song," Koehler says. "We tried to integrate different things into the album, and a lot of them turned out incredibly well. By the time the songs got to the final mix, they had developed into something so huge, it blew me away. We had spent a lot of time and effort on each individual song, which made the whole album sound a lot more cohesive in the end."

    Now that the new album has "arrived", Silverstein is eager to "depart" on more globe-hopping tours. And they can't wait to play the new tunes to their rapidly growing fan base. "You definitely 'feel' the new music a lot more live," Told says. "By the time you've done your old songs over 100 times on stage, you're more into just performing to the audience. But the feelings behind the new songs are still fresh in my heart, so my singing will reflect that."

    In a way, Arrivals & Departures illustrates an emotional growth for a band whose career is continually on the rise. "Success is reaching whatever new goals we set for ourselves, and that has been a constant progression," Koehler says. "We're always looking to attain new things by staying focused. We feel we're on a really good path because we're comfortable doing things that come natural to us."

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    CDC: Rocket fuel chemical found in baby formula

    ATLANTA - Traces of a chemical used in rocket fuel were found in samples of powdered baby formula, and could exceed what’s considered a safe dose for adults if mixed with water also contaminated with the ingredient, a government study has found.

    The study by scientists at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked for the chemical, perchlorate, in different brands of powdered baby formula. It was published last month, but the Environmental Working Group issued a press release Thursday drawing attention to it.

    The chemical has turned up in several cities’ drinking water supplies. It can occur naturally, but most perchlorate contamination has been tied to defense and aerospace sites.

    No tests have ever shown the chemical caused health problems, but scientists have said significant amounts of perchlorate can affect thyroid function. The thyroid helps set the body’s metabolism. Thyroid problems can impact fetal and infant brain development.

    However, the extent of the risk is hard to assess. The government requires that formula contain iodine, which counteracts perchlorate’s effects. The size of the infant and how much formula they consume are other factors that can influence risk.

    The study itself sheds little light on how dangerous the perchlorate in baby formula is. “This wasn’t a study of health effects,” said Dr. Joshua Schier, one of the authors.

    The largest amounts of the chemical were in formulas derived from cow’s milk, the study said.

    The researchers would not disclose the brands of formula they studied. Only a few samples were studied, so it’s hard to know if the perchlorate levels would be found in all containers of those brands, a CDC spokesman said.

    Earlier this year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said it was considering setting new limits on the amount of perchlorate that would be acceptable in drinking water. A few states have already set their own limits.

    The EPA has checked nearly 4,000 public water supplies serving 10,000 people or more. About 160 of the water systems had detectable levels of perchlorate, and 31 had levels high enough to exceed a new safety level the EPA is considering.

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    5 April 2009



    The Story So far…

    1998 (Soeharto lengser, sebuah band pop punk lahir di Bandung)

    Immorality President adalah band yang terbentuk menjadi cikal bakal Rocket Rockers. Firman (vocal/guitar), Aska (vocal/guitar), Bisma (bass), Doni (drums) adalah formasi awal Immorality President saat itu.

    1999 (and the name is ROCKET ROCKERS!)

    Firman (vocal/guitar) keluar dari Immorality President karena satu dan lain hal. Akhirnya mereka merkrut Al a.k.a Ucay untuk gabung di Immorality President. Namun nama band itu tidak berlangsung lama, sampai akhirnya Ucay mengusulkan nama Rocket Rockers sebagai penggantinya. Panggung pertama Rocket Rockers adalah di acara 17 Agustusan di lapangan komplek dekat Bisma tinggal. Rocket Rockers tampil di depan bapa-bapa, ibu-ibu dan warga sekitar yang duduk resmi namun Rocket Rockers tetap tampil ugal-ugalan dengan membawakan lagu-lagu berlirik tidak senonoh.

    2000 (1st Compilation)

    Untuk pertamakalinya Rocket Rockers masuk dalamsebuah kompilasi dari bonus CD majalah Fallen Angel bersama Poison The Well, Strung Out, Not Available, Step Forward dll. Di tahun 2000 ini, Rocket Rockers mulai sering main di pensi-pensi SMA dan acara-acara kolektif.

    2001 (Punk Rock Show and Skateboarding events)

    Rocket Rockers menjadi salah satu band pembuka konser Skin Of Tears (band punk asal Jerman) di teater terbuka Dago Tea House bersama Kuro!, Stadium 12 dan No Label. Di tahun yang sama pula Rocket Rockers medapat kontrak endorsement dengan Volcom dan Electric Sun Glasses. Sampai akhirnya Rocket Rockers kerapkali main di event skateboarding.

    2002 (1st Album….BOOM!)

    Rocket Rockers menjadi salah satu band pembuka di konser Last Show Ever-nya Puppen (band hardcore legendaries asal Bandung). Di tahun yang sama juga Rocket Rockers mengeluarkan album perdana-nya “Soundtrack For Your Life” di bawah naungan OffTheRecords. Album tersebutmencapai penjualan 15.000 copies lebih. Sampai suatu saat, single lagu “Finishkan” menjadi No.1 beberapa minggu di chart indie Radio Prambors.Berbagai media massa cetakpun memprediksikan Rocket Rockers menjadi “The Next Big Thing” (Hard Act To Follow Next Year) bersama Superman Is Dead, The White Stripes, The Hives dan The Vines –Majalah HAI No.45 11 Nov 2002-. Juga beberapa media massa seperti Boardriders, Ripple Magazine, Pause Magazine, Gadis, Kawanku, Pikiran Rakyat, dll mulai banyak mengulas Rocket Rockers. Untuk video clip, Rocket Rockers memilih single “Tergila” garapan Cerrahati dan sudah tayang di MTV.

    Pensi-pensi sampai acara independent-pun banyak mengundang Rocket Rockers untuk menjadi bagian dari acara. Sampai akhirnya gaung Rocket Rockers mulai merambah ke luar kota dan pulau. Sebutlah Jakarta, Bekasi, Subang, Pandeglang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Semarang, sudah dilalui dan undangan dari Medan, Bali, Balikpapan, Ujung Pandang, Singapore, Malaysia terus meramaikan e-mail dan guestbook. Melihat demand yang semakin membesar terhadap Rocket Rockers, membuat mereka harus menjalankan band dengan professional.

    2003 (Menembus layar lebar)

    Di tahun ini juga Rocket Rockers sempat menjadi cameo dan pengisi scoring di film “Cinta 24 Karat” karya Richard Buntario. Di tahun yang sama, Doni (drummer) keluar dari Rocket Rockers dan digantikan oleh Ozom.

    2004 (Major Label, Kontroversi & Struggle)

    Di awal tahun ini Rocket Rockers di kontrak oleh Sony Music dan melahirkan album ke 2 “Ras Bebas” di tahun 2004. Album tersebut laris 20.000 copies dibulan pertama edar. Rocket Rockers di tahun 2004 telah membuat 3 video klip yang tayang di MTV, diataranya: “Bangkit”, “K.L.A.S.S.I.X” dan “Pesta”. Seperti biasa band indie yang memiliki grass root kuat lalu masuk major label akan menemui kontra-kontra dari core fans. Testimonial di website pun cukup memanas. Dan suatu saat ketika Rocket Rockers interview di sebuah radio di Makassar dan menyebutkan bahwa Rocket Rockers masuk Sony Music, keesokan harinya aksi panggung Rocket Rockers di sebuah pensi dihujani oleh ludah yang bertubi-tubi dari penonton. Penontonm terus meludahi dari lagu pertama sampai terakhir, namun Rocket Rockers tetap tegar main sampai lagu terakhir walaupun Ucay (vokal) badan dan muka-nya sudah dipenuhi oleh ludah. Seiring waktu dan kedewasaan scene, wacana indie-major mulai memudar, panggung Rocket Rockers pun berangsur aman di berbagai kota.

    2006 (Masuk dalam film sejarah punk sedunia: PUNK’S NOT DEAD)

    Rocket Rockers tahun ini berhasil membuat sejarah baru sebagai satu-satunya band Indonesia yang masuk ke dalam sebuah film dokumenter punk se-dunia “PUNK’S NOT DEAD THE MOVIE: A Revolution 30 Years In the Making”. Film yang disutradarai oleh Susan Dynner tersebut menelusuri perkembangan dan eksistensi punk rockn selama 30 tahun. Susan Dynner dalam film tersebut mencoba untuk menggambarkann betapa besarnya kultur punk di dunia. Ide awalnya ketika Susan menonton sebuah acara reuni akbar band-band punk tua sampai yang muda dengan sponsor LEVI’S. Akhirnya tercetuslah ide untuk membuat PUNK’S NOT DEAD THE MOVIE. Film tersebut menuai pujian dari festival seperti The Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, Melbourne International Film Festival, Buenos Aires Film Festival, San Francisco International Film Fastival hingga Cannes Film Festival. Band-band dan artis yang terlibat didalamnya: NOFX, Sex Pistols, Minor Threat, Black Flag, The Ramones, Dead Kennedys, Rancid, Greenday hingga band-band masa kini seperti My Chemical Romance, The Used, Thrice, SUM 41, Good Charlotte, Story Of The Year, dll. Juga interview beberapa tokoh penting punk lainnya. Rocket Rockers menjadi bagian dari rentetan band tersebut, adalah sesuatu yang sangat membanggakan.

    Di pertengahan 2006 Rocket Rockers masuk studio lagi untuk merampungkan album ke 3 “Better Season”. Tanpa di duga selesai rekaman, di akhir tahun 2006, 13 lagu Rocket Rockers menyebar hand to hand, hardisk to hardisk diluar kuasa Rocket Rockers. Lagu yang menyebar masih hasil mixing dan belum di mastering. Entah siapa yang menyebarkannya. Alhasil, materi lagu Rocket Rockers sudah menyebar ke pelosok nusantara. Hal tersebut terbukti saat manggung di berbagai daerah, semua sudah sing along. Request di internetpun membludak.

    2007 (Resign from Sony/BMG)

    Rocket Rockers di tahun ini mendapat endorsement dari produk sepatu yang dikelola olehTom Delonge (Blink182/Angel And Airwaves). Disamping itu, setelah menjalinkerjasama dengan Sony Music (yang sekarang menjadi Sony-BMG) selama kuranglebih 3 tahun, Rocket Rockers akhirnya putus kontrak dengan Sony-BMGdikarenakan sudah tidak adalagi kerjasama yang bisa menguntungkan. AkhirnyaRocket Rockers membuat label sendiri yang diberi nama Reach & Rich Records.

    2008 (…..a Better Season)

    * Di awal tahun 2008, Rocket Rockers berhasil menjadi salah satu band pembuka konser MXPX di Basket Hall A Senayan Jakarta bersama Superman Is Dead dan Fornufan.

    * Rocket Rockers terpilih sebagai satu-satunya band rock Indonesia yang memiliki fans paling banyak di friendster yang mencapai 50.000 fans lebih dan alhasil Rocket Rockers di undang ke gathering Friendster oleh David Jones (founder of Friendster) di Grand Indonesia bersama RAN, Ten 2 Five dll.

    * Setelah hampir 2 tahun materi album ke 3 yang bocor, lagu yang berjudul “Ingin Hilang Ingatan” menjadi top request di friendster dan radio-radio, bahkan di tv lokal sebelum waktunya keluar.

    * Juni 2008, single dari album ke 3 “Better Season” dilepas ke radio-radio dan langsung meduduki posisi 1 di Radio Ardan Bandung dan menjadi top reques di lagu-lagu lainnya. Video clip yang digarap untuk album “Better Season” adalah “Terobsesi” yang dibuat oleh M.Irsan dari:Grafitasi (yang juga kameramen dari Rocket Rockers). Konsep video clipnya adalah lebih ke reality show yang menampilkan artis-artis, musisi dan teman-teman yang memberi testimonia untuk Rocket Rockers. Musisi dan artis yang ikut andil adalah: Ian Antono, Aura Kasih, Ronal Disko, Sogi, Ence, Masayu Anastasia, Melanie Soebono. Piyu Padi, Tri Utami, Purwacaraka, Tria Changcutters, Bayu O.B, Ajeng “Be a man”, Ocha “Weekend Seru” dan beberapa teman juga alien.

    * Di tahun 2008 ini juga Rocket Rockers menjadi cover depan majalah RIPPLE, MOSH MAGAZINE, GREY MAGAZINE.

    * Akhir juli Rocket Rockers akhirnya mengeluarkan album ke 3-nya yang sudah lama tertunda di bawah naungan label sendiri: Reach & Rich Records. Penjualan awal masih menerapkan direct selling di setiap panggung Rocket Rockers. Bahkan dibeberapa kesempatan, personel Rocket Rockers melakukan penjualan hand to hand yang lumayan mendapat apresiasi bagus. Setelah program direct selling, rencananya penjualan album “Better Season” akan bekerja sama dengan clothing lokal yang membuatkan T-shirt Rocket Rockers untuk dijual bersama CD ke seluruh nusantara.

    * Video Clip “Terobsesi” dari album Better Season sudah tayang di MTV.

    * Single ke-2 “Ingin Hilang Ingatan” untuk pertama kalinya masuk, dalam jangka waktu beberapa minggu langsung menduduki posisi chart nomer 1 di Ardan Top Request Chart menggeser posisi lagu “Laskar Pelangi” dari Nidji dan band-band dan penyanyi-penyanyi kelas Nasional Indonesia.

    * Di tahun 2008 ini, walaupun merilis albumnya dengan records sendiri, Rocket Rockers berhasil mendapat panggung di layar kaca tv local dan nasional. Sebut saja “Dahsyat” RCTI, “Klik” dan “Planet Remaja” ANTV, “On The Spot” Trans7 dan beberapa acara tv lokal.

    To be continue….

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